How to tie shoelaces for the top 1%

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How to tie shoelaces for the top 1%

생활정보 여기이슈!

by 새로운 소식은 여기이슈 2023. 6. 13. 03:13



[Standard Edition] Overlap

It's the most traditional way to tie a knot, and it goes well with sneakers and leather shoes.It doesn't loosen easily, and is often used on official websites of sneaker brands


①Start with an overcoat.
②Put one string through the other hole with an overcoat.
③As with 同様, use an overcoat to pass the other string.Over the string again to the other side.
④Repeat to the top, paying attention to the twist of the string and the upper and lower sides of the string.
⑤Only the last string is passed underneath.


[Standard Edition] Underwrap

The standard way to tie a knot in the overlap.This is a little easier to loosen than overlap, so it is recommended for sneakers when you want to relax your legs, feel natural fit, or play long-distance sports.


①Start at under par.
②Underline through the opposite hole.
③The other string is also passed under.Put the string under again to the other side.
④Repeat to the top, paying attention to the twist of the string and the top and bottom of the left and right strings.

[Standard Edition] Parallel

If you don't know how to tie a pair of dress shoes or leather shoes, this is the standard way! Leather shoes are the mainstream, but some people wear sneakers in parallel.It is characterized by the tension on the string, so it does not loosen easily.


  1. ①Start with an overcoat.
    ②One string is passed diagonally one step up and the other is passed diagonally.
    ③Put the second string right next to it with an overcoat.
    ④As it is, the string is passed diagonally up two steps with an underline.
    ⑤The other string (a string coming out of the second tier from the bottom) is also passed right next to it with an over, and passed diagonally up two tiers with an under.
    ⑥Repeat ~ through を above to complete.

[Standard Edition] Single

It looks similar to parallel, but this one has a more sophisticated atmosphere.It is easy to loosen and easily attach and detach.Therefore, it is not suitable for work boots.Recommended when you want to create a formal look.


  1. ①Start with an overcoat. Keep one string longer.
    ②A long string is passed diagonally upward under and a short string is passed at the top under.
    ③A longer string is passed right next to it with an overcoat and passed diagonally upward with an undercoat.
    ④Repeat を above to the top and complete.

[Application] Saw knot

It looks similar to parallel or single.The combination of straight and diagonal strings looks like a saw?!It has a simple and stylish atmosphere.


  1. ①Start with an overcoat.
    ②Underline one of the strings directly above the hole, and overline the hole directly next to it.
    ③The other string is passed through the hole diagonally above with an underline, and then through the hole directly next to it with an overline.
    ④Repeat this.Continue until one of them comes out of the top hole.
    ⑤Complete by inserting one side under the hole directly above.

[Application] Hash knot

a knot that is intricately crossed.It will be a cool finish.


  1. ①Start at under. Over two diagonally up each.
    ②Underline both holes directly below.
    ③Thread the string diagonally up three times with an overcoat.
    ④Both return underground to the hole directly below.③Repeat through 4.
    ⑤Finally, tie it by passing it up under par.

[Application] Double eyelet

Hold your feet tight.It's a method for sports.You can tie it in any way you want!

①You can tie it in any way until the middle! (Image overlaps) When the remaining two holes are in a state, pass them diagonally up and under.
②Use an overcoat through each hole directly above.
③Cross a string between the rings made of で above and let it pass.Just tie it up and finish.


[Application] Bushwalk knot

A stylish way of tying a knot on the side.The impression of sneakers changes completely.
*This time I tied it with a longer shoelace, so it's left over.Short shoelaces are recommended.


  1. ①Start at under par.
    ②Put one string through the hole directly above with an overcoat.Underline the string right next to it.This brings both strings to one side.
    ③Skip a hole in each of the two strings and overline them.
    ④Put both under right next to each other.
    ⑤Repeat (iii) through (iv) above.In the end, both left and right strings come out in the same direction, so tie them there and finish.


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